​ A petition from the Kurdistan Women Union

4 years ago

There is at the Iraqi parliament an attempt to modify law. 57,year 1959.No.188. Section civil affairs.
This law is specifically about the child custody as the right of the mother, but in case of passing this right to the father means a decline of humans and mother's right. There for our request of the Iraqi parliament is based on that law from 1959. Law 57. No.188.
First para. Of that law; point the mother during the marriage and after divorce that has the right of the custody, unless there is no harm done to the child.
Third para ; the father is appointed as responsible for the child support , in case of disagreement between the parents then the court will decide over the matter, by submitting an application by the mother to the court for costs of maintenance of the child.
But our experience as women rights' activist tells' us that only some perform their responsibility willingly.
Paragraph 7th: in case the mother could not exercise her right, the custody will passes to the father...
Therefor we request both parliaments, the Iraqi as well as Kurdistan that this matter must be regulated by the law...
From that point of view and based our request on that law and every and each paragraph that law 57.year 1959 - No. 188. Section civil affairs must remain unchanged

Kurdistan Women Union  
  9th, September,   2020.

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