Statement of the high council of Kurdistan Women Union

3 years ago

September 27th - 2021, the women union of Kurdistan held a meeting with the presence of Dr. Fazil Mirani, the secretary of Political Bureau of KDP, za’im Ali, member of PDK’s political bureau, Avin hruri, member of leadership council and Amina Zikrî, member of election headquarters. 

The secretary of Political Bureau of KDP brought the importance and the roles that WU had, in both past and present, in to the Spotlight and also pointed out some of the related issues of women to mention how they can be related to democratization which is the mission of PDK. He also states that PDK highly relies on WU for raising awareness among women about elections and voting; he, moreover, recommended and determined manners to the members of high council of women affairs regarding parliamentary election. 

Last but not least, the meeting was dismissed by the assignee of our unity and the secretary of our orginization speech  and other attendees were highly engaged and that beneficial discussion happened to appeare among them. 

The high council of Kurdistan Women Union 
Sep 27th-2021

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